Nature observations during a one-day boat trip to the Delta
As for a one day boat trip there are three routes to be strongly recommended, keeping aloof from the most frequented ones: using a small boat with outboard motor you will be driving along small channels and over shallow lakes, where nobody will disturb you when watching this unique water scenery and its feathered resp. unfeathered inhabitants. Another route leads from Jurilovca across the large Delta lakes and their side branches to one of the lonely beaches of the Black Sea. The boatmen have known these areas from their childhood, are cruising there throughout the year, so that they will know beforehand, where the most interesting things will be found. You will start early in the morning, when the birds are most active, will go ashore at a nice and dry place at noon, reward yourself with a “small” snack of various delicacies you brought with you, and will be back again in the afternoon or in the early evening.The tour starting from Murighiol can be extended up to the village Caraorman and combined with a visit of the dune forest there.
The best time of the year for these three tours is from early/mid-May until the end of August and beginning of September, that is from the start of the breeding activities in the breeding colonies of the big water birds, such as great cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo), pygmy cormorant (Phalacrocorax pygmeus), night heron, cattle egret, squacco heron, little egret, great white egret, and grey heron (Nycticorax nycticorax, Bubulcus ibis, Ardeola ralloides, Egretta garzetta, Egretta alba & Ardea cinerea), glossy ibis (Plegadis falcinellus) and spoonbill (Platalea leucorodia) until the colonies are left. Here, too, we cooperate with a small group of reliable boat owners, partners, we have known for years already, so that even in case you want to manage without an expert guide, you may be sure to get to the most beautiful places where you can have the most interesting occasions for bird-watching.
For details and prices please click here; further information on request. |